How To Break The Paralysis of Perfectionism

Uncover the life-changing benefits of sharing your creative work, breaking free from fear, and cultivating authentic artistic expression.

“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.”

– Salvador Dalí

I have many mostly-finished and up-and-coming creative projects that died before they could thrive. 

The killer: perfectionism. 

Perfection has long held me back, aided by its ugly, just-as-evil twin: fear of rejection.

Instead of risking rejection by others, I habitually rejected my less-than-perfect works. The amount of regret I feel about that staggers me.

Lately, I’ve learned that I’m not alone in this. Many artists, writers, and creative people grapple with this challenge daily.

But let’s talk about the power of sharing creative work, getting the repetitions in, and embracing authenticity to unleash our creative spirits and cultivate meaningful connections with others.

That’s my current path, and I want you to join me.

The Paralysis of Perfectionism

I’ve spent most of my life rationalizing it as “having high standards.”

I didn’t want to put wack shit into the world.

So I didn’t put anything out into the world.

This rationale backfired, and perfectionism became a paralysis that prevented me from sharing my most heartfelt creations with the world. It became exhausting and continually felt demoralizing.

Not recommended.

In her book, “The Gifts of Imperfection,” Brené Brown addresses this issue head-on. She reminds us that true creativity emerges when we stop seeking perfection.

“Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be our best. Perfectionism is not about healthy achievement and growth; it’s a shield…Perfectionism is a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it’s the thing that’s really preventing us from taking flight.”

The Power of Sharing

As I’ve begun to work through the feelings driving my perfectionism (fear of rejection, judgment, and similar bugbears), I’ve learned to embrace the power of sharing.

And sharing is daunting. I am still getting the hang of it.

It always feels unnerving to share my thoughts, feelings, and heart with random people who may judge or criticize me. But this vulnerability drives creative growth as an artist. There’s no other way.

By sharing, you open yourself up to weak judgments, but you also get helpful feedback and constructive criticism that helps refine skills and develop a voice.

It also opens you up to the community and camaraderie of fellow creatives. 

This far outweighs the dumb critiques of random people who float around looking for things to take a crap on (probably because they wish they could put something out there but are too scared).

Getting the Reps In

I’m practicing. 

And practice makes perfect. Practice makes progress.

To grow, I’m learning to “get the reps in.” That means creating and sharing regularly, no matter how imperfect or incomplete I feel my work to be. Some things I share will feel polished, while others will feel disjointed. Either way, I am getting them out there.

I’m gaining experience, building skills, and becoming more comfortable with sharing by consistently showing up. 

I think of each piece as a stepping stone on my creative path. Some rocks are rough and jagged, while others feel smooth and refined. Either way, each one is a step forward.

Being Authentic

What I love about sharing my creative work is my connections with others. When I share something on my heart, I get an immediate response from others. By letting my true self shine through, I create space for others to let their true selves shine.

To me, that’s fucking golden.

That’s the real money.

I’ve learned that creating something that resonates is less about “perfection” and more about something that fosters deeper connections and feels genuine. Everyone seeks that in a world of polished personas and AI-generated content.

Having Fun, Learning, and Connecting

I’m learning to make the creative journey an enjoyable and enriching experience. As I’ve begun to share more, I’ve learned to open myself up to new opportunities for growth.

And finally, the whole thing is FUN. Learning what people like and relate to has always been surprising and eye-opening. So I’m embracing the process and having fun with my creations.

Will you do the same?






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